Living with Intrinsic Motivation is much harder.

Demiro Ragil Syah
3 min readMar 13, 2022


Living with Intrinsic Motivation is much harder.
I represent here as someone who “at least try”
At least try my best in whatever condition. When I have to work while I am sick, in the end, I said to myself “at least you tried your best”. When I have to achieve something big but you did not make it, at least you tried your best.
Best, as what you can do the best in whatever condition.

I can’t deny that being raised in a small town with a conservative society makes me unconsciously live with extrinsic motivation. I have to make my surroundings proud, afraid that my parents might be mad at me because I did not get a good grade, competing over others’ achievements, being judged by any behavior. Well, that’s just a consequence of living with different generations.

Our generation has become very critical and evolving ourselves into a totally unique human being. That’s cool, what even cooler is that some of us are starting to leave that kind of stereotype that can be an extrinsic motivation for us to live our life. At least, some of us did.
I don’t know if it is good or bad. But, it is what it is.

Extrinsic motivation involves completing a task or exhibiting a behavior because of outside causes such as avoiding punishment or receiving a reward.
Living with it, I can say is much easier. Easy to be motivated, yet easy to be overwhelmed with the life you are having.

But here, I offer something that I just found out a few years back…

Living with Intrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation involves performing a task because it’s personally rewarding to you.

Before we get into that. Now, recall back to the most inspirational story you ever heard or read in your life. What part of it inspires you the most? the challenge? the privilege? the achievement?

Did you know they all have the same pattern… The moment when you feel amazed by their stories drives you crazy to strive for your ambition as well.
Their ability to have an intrinsic motivation is what inspires us the most. Because our motivation is what will remain relevant to be the most inspirational part of our journey.

Then, how to try living with intrinsic motivation?
Find desire to do the activities that really are enjoyable to do.

Ask yourself,
How do you want to be connected to others?
Do you feel connected to others when they applause at your achievement, or do you feel connected with others by getting through the process?
*I watched a Korean Drama called Twenty Five Twenty One, and I think you will get the idea of what I mean by the connection with others on the process that I said.

Then, do you have the freedom to choose how you will learn something for instance?
Who’s in here like to be commanded? Even tho we got or have an obligation to comply with the command we still want to have the freedom to choose how we will do it or even to choose whether we want to do it or not. Therefore, ensure that you have that freedom.

What do you want to master?
We all are a learner in life, what things you can learn and wants to learn is really matter to keep motivating yourself.

Lastly, what makes you fulfilled?
This one is the most favorite question I like to ask myself every day.
What makes me fulfilled as a person today? What makes me think that spending my 24 hours with all those sadness, happiness and all various feeling in this world is a good life I strive for.

That is it…
But remember, when you practice it and try to live with it. Sometimes it might feel like it is not what you want. Humans are easily get distracted by others when they feel like they have done with it and want to give up. Then, ask the questions above again to yourself and get up.

Haha, I said it like it is super easy but of course, it won’t be easy.
My mom said if life is easy… you will never learn something that bigger than yourself.
So live it to the fullest.



Demiro Ragil Syah
Demiro Ragil Syah

Written by Demiro Ragil Syah

Life Lesson’s Enthusiast | Gen Z

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