Coming Out as Proud Gen Z 👀
Yes, I am starting this with emojis. First hint: it is because we are the first generation who (sometimes) choose emojis to describe our feeling through messages. 🤭 The title already explained it actually…
I am a part of the generation that will soon surpass Millenials as the most populous generation on earth, with more than one-third of the world’s population counting themselves Gen Zers, and also becoming the most diverse generation! 🤯 (Bloomberg News)
Yes, I am coming out as Gen Z after all this time trying to fit in on Millenials or even Boomer’s perspective on how we should create an image of ourselves. Because it is our typical to refuses to fit into neat little boxes. 😅
I also changed my LinkedIn profile picture that was a bit stiff and old-school to be more 🔥lit🔥 and ✨dope✨. “Wait, don't you think it will be a bit risky to get out from a standardized professional profile picture on your LinkedIn account?”, “You want to attract a company from how your profile looks, right?”.
Mmmm 🧐 it is true but it is not at the same time. I try to make my profile picture more “fun” but with a very good touch of professionalism. Put an eye-catchy background might help (I think) and the fact that entire industries and businesses will rise and fall in the wake of the Gen Zers. 🤩 Yet few industries of organizations seem to be ready for it. (Delloite)
We have now arrived at the new era where companies and organizations will be the ones who try to adjust their core foundation as organizations to Gen Z personality and preference. Why? read the last paragraph. They will try to truly personalize career experience to make us attracted. 👀
Gen Z (I am) no longer forms an opinion of a company solely based on the quality of their product/services but now on their ethics, practices, and social impact.
From this point of view, I personally believe that in the future we will compete to be the most authentic person with strong personal branding and how we will use our power as Gen Z. So, don’t forget to build your competence and upskill yourself towards what the trend’s demand. 🤟
Interesting point of view from Deloitte about the future of work
These 3 aspects might help you to define what you should work on as Gen Z who wants to have a great job in the future. First 👆, you have to understand the work “what can be automated?” be aware that technology will always be evolved and the thing that can’t be automated (yet) will be a demand for humans which is it is you. Second ✌️, understand the workforce “who can do the work?. Be aware of what is your strengths and weaknesses, make sure that you are focusing on your strength to build any competence needed to do the work. Third 👌, understand the workplace “where is the work done?”. Well, I know that the company might be trying so hard to adjust their core to be more Gen Z friendly but you as the one who will compete with others should also work on your flexibility to work in particular workplaces.
✅ Gen Z has the opportunity to shift the “balance of power” between the employer and employee to a model where instead of workers trying to fit into a box called a “job”, organizations will need a tailor work around the curated skillset of a worker (Delloite)
So, understand your power as Gen Z?
If yes, we might have the possibility to have further brainstorming on how we should create the “authenticity” part of ourselves as Gen Z 😘 (I mean you can message me perhaps 😅)
P.S I invested 5 minutes to choose which emojis to describe the sentences, lol