A Glacier’s Life Cycle
Have you ever wondered how you can cultivate any particular circumstances that are related to our nature to be something that you can learn and match to your life progress?
I guess, most of us are already familiar with “learn from the wind”, “like two peas in a pod”, or “Opportunity is like a sunrise”. Any possible event that happens in our nature can actually correlated with the way we think about our lives. Here I wanted to introduce you to “A Glacier’s Life Cycle”.
What is a Glacier? It is a large, slow-moving mass of ice that forms over many years from the accumulation and compaction of snow. Glaciers typically develop in areas where the amount of snowfall exceeds the amount of melting, such as in polar regions and high mountain ranges.
When we think of glaciers, the first images that often come to mind are vast sheets of ice, cold and unmoving, seemingly eternal. However, just beneath the surface lies a dynamic world full of movement, transformation, and profound lessons that can inspire us to surprise ourselves and make our lives more meaningful.
If we bring it to our life’s reflection space, what others see from our lives might be only the surface of the whole stories we created in life, in fact beneath the surface lies many stories in different forms of feelings and learnings.
Glaciers are not just frozen monoliths; they are alive in their own way, constantly changing and evolving. Their life cycle can help us understand how we live.
First is Birth Snowfall and snow compression at the top of the glacier cause ice accumulation. It is the time when we started something new, the time we were born, the time we created a big decision that will impact our life, and any other starting points that are relevant.
A Small steps you take will define how you will impacting your life and your surrounding. -Demi, 2024
Imagine a snowfall from the sky, you see it like small balls but when you look closely with some help from any possible equipment you’ll see a beautiful form like a star. Those small snows will touch the surface of the earth and then become ice. The ice can be small, big, in any form, and of any color. The ways of how the snow falls, the weather and the climate conditions will affect the end result of the process. That goes the same with your life. Any small steps you take always matter, it will be the things that are going to build the version of you that you have to accept.
The second is being an Ice Snowflakes are rounded and compressed by pressure until they become glacial ice. As mentioned above, it can be in any form. So do you.
You have to try to understand that you at the present is the best version of yourself -Demi, 2024
Reflect back on the things you have done in the past. Every single thing you’ve done will definitely contribute to the result of your personality and how your life will be at the present.
The third one is Tributaries Smaller glaciers join the flow causing the main glacier to grow in size. Your present always correlates with what you have done in the past, and every part and personality you have right now is the result of the ideation from the steps you took before. What you did with yourself, what you did with your family, with your friends, with nature, or even with strangers will create some breakpoints in a version of you. All of the versions of you will naturally come closer together and form what we call “ourselves”.
Inside humans are colors, and therefore each of living creatures in this world are technicolor -Demi, 2024
You have colors, that’s how your life will form beautifully. With that, you also have the right to choose which colors you want to keep inside yourself, and only you would know, Also which one you want to show to people around you.
The fourth is the Outflow Area The glaciers lose ice and consistency because of the melting and evaporation. Just like your life when you decided to show your true colors or any colors you choose to show. There would be some implications happens. It can be a problem, something is missing, or the cost you have to pay.
Success comes with the feeling of anxiety, but something that brings along the success is even more worthy. -Demi, 2024
Have you ever felt like you have been very happy lately until you feel so anxious about what will happen next? I guess that’s the feeling that the majority of people will have when they experience happiness. But what we actually should direct our thoughts is that every happiness brings joy in our life, whatever happens next is something we can predict. What we can do is enjoy the current. If there will be implications coming, just let the time wipe it away, or even better if you can try to solve and fix it.
The fifth is Melting The water from the melted stream flows out of the glacier through channels and tunnels. Just like the problem or any implications in our life, there will be a way to solve it or a way to let it go.
You have the power to control your own life. Whatever happens now, is your choice to define what is next -Demi, 2024
Your life is your responsibility, in this phase, you have to direct yourself not to focus on anyone or any parts of the external aspects of your life becoming a hinder for you. You have to focus on your ability to solve problems and identify what steps you should take further. There are always possibilities. Possibility to make it worse, or make it finish and rebirth.
Yes, the last one is the breakage and Rebirth Ice blocks become detached at the front of the glacier and form an iceberg. Just like how your life would be after you strive to fix any implications that happen around you, you will be satisfied and fulfilled. Major fulfillment in life comes from the process of solving challenges in life.
With great challenges comes great responsibility, great responsibility will form a good side of who you are, therefore you’ll be stronger than before and beautifully formed as the best version of yourself — Demi, 2024
You have the right and responsibility to define what would be the end of every challenge you are facing. But, the most inevitable things that are going to happen to you are the “breakage” and “rebirth”. You will be suffering enough while trying to make things right. But, after everything goes well, you will be fulfilled and rebirth into something beautiful. That is what we call an iceberg in the ocean, looks usual on the outside but strong and big on the inside.
Like the glacier’s life cycle.
Coming from a small snow, ended up becoming the strongest iceberg that might not be that big on the outside but a giant on the inside. Just like your life that always grows, if you always try to surprise yourself and make it relevant, you will not just end up becoming the best version of yourself but also the strongest, boldest, and most beautiful version of yourself.